Privacy Policy

At eValuate™, we believe in the protection of your information and putting our clients' experience above all else. With that in mind, we have updated our Privacy Policy as it relates to our promotional activities. This makes it easier for you to understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it.

One of your rights under EU law is that you must be informed when your personal data – also known as personal information – is processed (collected, used, stored) by any organisation including one of the EU institutions. You also have the right to know the details and purpose of that processing.

Below we provide you with some general information. Specific information about the processing associated with this website is contained in our register.

The eValuate™ website is our most important communication tool. We use it to communicate our work, opinions, data protection news and information about data protection rights to the general public as well as our more expert audiences.

Some of the services offered on our website require the processing of your personal data. In such cases, web page links will direct you to the specific information about the processing. This is contained in the relevant data protection notices in our Register.

Here we give you a general overview of some of the ways this website processes your personal data including the use of cookies and social media.

Your personal data and our website

eValuate™ collects your personal information only to the extent necessary to fulfil a precise purpose related to our tasks as an institution (which are laid down in Regulation 45/2001):

  • We do re-use the information for marketing and user experience optimization;
  • We put in place measures to guarantee that your data is processed securely and updated if requested;
  • Under certain conditions outlined in the law, we may disclose your information to third parties (such as the European Anti-Fraud Office, the Court of Auditors, or law enforcement authorities) if it is necessary and proportionate for specific, lawful purposes;
  • You have the right to access your personal information, to have it corrected and the right to recourse at any time if you believe your data protection rights have been breached;
  • We do not keep your personal information for longer than necessary for the purposes for which we collected it;
  • However, we may keep your information for a longer period for historical, statistical, or scientific purposes with the appropriate safeguards in place.

We use cookies on our website for technical functionality and for gathering statistics. A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on a visitor’s computer or mobile device. The table on this page lists the cookies that this website uses and describes their purpose.


eValuate™ uses various analytics platforms. These include, but are not limited to, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager more, all of which are fully controlled by their individual security and privacy policy processes. This platform enables the protection of end-user personal data thanks to features such as IP address de-identification and a mechanism for users to opt out so that their browsing is not processed for analytics purposes.

Privacy measures

Cookies (from Google Tag and Analytics) enable eValuate™ to track the following information about visitors, which we use to prepare aggregated, anonymous statistics reports of visitor activity:

  • IP address (masked)
  • Location: country, region, city, approximate latitude, and longitude (geolocation)
  • Date and time of the request (visit to the site)
  • Title of the page being viewed (page title)
  • URL of the page being viewed (page URL)
  • URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page (referrer URL)
  • Screen resolution of user's device
  • Time in local visitor's time-zone
  • Files that were clicked and downloaded (download)
  • Links to an outside domain that were clicked (outlink)
  • Page generation time (the time it takes for webpages to be generated by the webserver and then downloaded by the visitor: page speed)
  • Main language of the browser being used (accept-language header)
  • Browser version, browser plugins (PDF, Flash, Java, etc.) operating system version, device identifier (user-agent header)
  • Language of the visited page
  • Campaigns
  • Site search

In addition, in the event of a user entering their details, we will collate any information entered by that user with their historic and subsequent visits to our site, as well as their ongoing behavior on our website.


To improve the accuracy of the reports produced, information is also stored in a first-party cookie from our website and then collected by Google Analytics, and Google Tag etc. This information includes:

  • Random unique visitor ID
  • Time of the first visit for the specific visitor
  • Time of the previous visit for the specific visitor
  • Number of visits for the specific visitor
  • Screen replay views and online interactions

Note: First-party cookies are set by the website you are visiting. Only that website can read them. In addition, a website might use an external service to analyze how people are using the site. eValuate™ does not set its own cookie to do this and makes use of reputable external parties.

The data collected is masked and cannot be used to identify a particular visitor. This information will not be shared with any other organisation for marketing, market research or commercial purposes. For persistent cookies, a random ID is generated, which allows eValuate™ to identify when a user returns to the site. As mentioned above, once a user has provided us with their details, we are able to collate subsequent and historic data relating to how they use our website, with those details. Users can request to have any data relating to them deleted using the steps identified below.


Specific questions about the storage and use of our third-party analytics data can be sent or read directly from our application providers:
Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager

Data Protection Officer

eValuate™, including other EU institutions, bodies, agencies and offices (EU institutions), may process your personal data (also known as personal information) for a number of reasons, from dealing with public requests for information, staff matters and visitor information to the handling of complaints, to name a few. All EU institutions, including eValuate™, are obliged to comply with the data protection law specifically applicable to them. In addition to specifying the legal principles for processing personal data, the law provides that each EU institution must appoint at least one Data Protection Officer (DPO). The task of the DPO is to ensure, in an independent manner, that the data protection law is applied in the institution. The DPO is also required to keep a register/procedural document of all the operations that involve the processing (collection, use and/or storage) of your personal data carried out by the institution. The register has to be publicly accessible and must contain information explaining the purpose and conditions of the processing operations.
Data Protection Officer, eValuate™: Albertus Nolte

Your rights when we process your personal data

When your personal information is processed by eValuate™ (or any EU institution), you have the right to know about it. You have the right to access the information and have it rectified without delay if it is inaccurate or incomplete. You can ask to have it blocked under certain circumstances. You can also object to it being processed if you think the processing is unfair and unlawful and ask for it to be deleted. You can request that any of the above changes be communicated to other parties to whom your data have been disclosed. You also have the right not to be subject to automated decisions (made solely by machines) affecting you, as defined by law.

These rights are outlined in Articles 13 to 19 of the current data protection Regulation 45/2001.

How to exercise your data protection rights at eValuate™

If eValuate™ is processing your personal data and you would like to exercise your data protection rights, please send a written request to

  • In principle, we cannot accept verbal requests (telephonic or face-to-face) as we may not be able to deal with your request immediately without first analyzing it and reliably identifying you;
  • You can send your request to eValuate™ by post in a sealed envelope or use our contact form;
  • Your request should contain a detailed, accurate description of the data you want access to;
  • You must provide a copy of an identification document to confirm your identity, for example, an ID card or passport. The document should contain an identification number, country of issue, period of validity, your name, address and date of birth;
  • Any other data contained in the copy of the identification document, such as a photo or any personal characteristics, may be blacked out;
  • Our use of the information on your identification document is strictly limited; the data will only be used to verify your identity and will not be stored for longer than needed for this purpose;
  • In principle, we will not accept other means of verifying your identity. Should you wish to propose alternatives, we will assess their adequacy on a case-by-case basis;
  • When received, we will provide you with a detailed overview of how we deal with your personal data when handling a written request from you.

Here are answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.